15 Psychological Facts About Human Feelings

1. Dreaming helps to diminish the effects of bad memories: UC Berkeley researchers have found that during the dream phase of sleep, also known as REM sleep, our stress chemistry shuts down and the brain processes emotional experiences and takes the edge off difficult memories.

2. There is actually a phobia for losing one’s phone: Nomophobia is a term describing the fear of being without a mobile device, or beyond mobile phone contact.The term is an abbreviation for “no-mobile-phone phobia” which was coiled during a 2010 study by the UK Post Office. According to the study, 54% of those questioned said they experienced nomophobia. Overall, women were more likely to suffer from nomophobia than men.

3. Just Take a Nap : Have you ever gone to sleep feeling sad or anxious, and woke up in the next morning feeling a much better mood? That is because when your brain goes into REM sleep, it releases chemicals that ease the mental pain of traumatic experiences.

4. Charles Darwin believed that emotions were beneficial for evolution because emotions improved chances of survival. For example, the brain uses emotion to keep us away from a dangerous animal (fear), away from rotting food and fecal matter (disgust), in control of our resources (anger), and in pursuit of a good meal or a good mate (pleasure and lust).

5. Friendship between two women is not so strong as friendship between two men.

6. Love is not an emotion. It’s an attachment within which you can experience a lot of emotions such as joy, awe, anger, worry etc.

7. A human can make over 10,000 facial expressions to express a wide variety of subtle emotions.

8. Happiness is the most confusing emotion of all : Because it can mean a lot of things such as joy, delight, excitement etc.

9. Women are over thinkers: Due to this nature doubts, questions & debate will always be there. Women speak too much because evolutionary their mind is developed to notice everything in very detailed manner, so women knows more details and hence they speak a lot.

10. Never Forget
Emotions last even longer than the memory. Many people can remember how they emotionally felt during a certain situation, even if the finer details are hazy. Even if someone cannot remember who they are, they still can remember the emotions of their past life.

11. 10% of people do not know exactly how they feel. This is called alexithymia. Because of this dysfunction, people cannot describe the emotions in words, distinguish one emotion from another and understand the mood of others.

12. Fitness is Happiness: Exercise makes you happy: Cardiovascular activity increases endorphins in your body, which improves your mood. Running or other intense workouts sometimes also boosts adrenaline, which can make you feel as though you have more energy after the workout than when you started.

13. There’s 100+ different human emotions we know about.

14. Just 1% of the population can hide their emotions successfully. 

15. Studies show that men and women both experience the same amount of emotions, but women tend to show it more.
